Looking for amazing picture books for children? Check out this post!
When it comes to simplifying our home, there is one area that we are an epic failure in. If you came to our house for a visit, our weakness would be obvious.
They are everywhere. They fill bookshelves and are stacked anywhere and everywhere. Not electronic books…real, tangible, beautiful books that you can touch, hold and turn the pages of.
There are always new favorites being discovered, but there are some books that we just keep going back to.
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I am sure you have been there. Your kids grab a book and you think, “Oh, no, I don’t think I can read that again.” But once in awhile, there are books that you find yourself grabbing to read to your kids again and again because they are just that good.
I like to think of these as “classics in the making.”
I’ve noticed a trend in our home; our favorites tend to be from another era. Usually, they are from a days gone by and reflect old world values and simple, beautiful life. They are the type of books that make fantastic gifts because they never get old. They are the ones your children will want to save to pass on to their children…
Here are just a few of the treasures we have found:
When I Was Young in the Mountains (Reading Rainbow Books (Paperback))
A beautiful tribute to a young girl’s memories of years spent living with her grandparents in the Appalachian Mountains. Somehow, Rylant makes those hard, grueling times feel real, yet magical.
by Donald Hall
The Ox-Cart Man follows a man and his family as they prepare throughout a full year to take their homemade/farm raised goods to market. I thoroughly enjoy Hall’s ability to depict the changing seasons and the corresponding activity on the farm. This is a value’s driven story that offers a glimpse into a time when hard work and diligence were expected and admired.
Around the Year
by Tasha Tudor
Have you ever heard of Tasha Tudor? I could write a post about her…pretty amazing! But we’ll save that for another day. This is the only book on this list that we don’t personally own, but it is high on our wish list. Tasha has a way of articulating the beauty found in farm living and working with your hands. Her writing is simplistic, yet timeless and she paints intricate and delicate illustrations. Can’t wait to get this one…maybe a Christmas present? Shhh! Don’t tell!
The Ink Garden of Brother Theophane
by C.M. Millen
This book is newer than the others listed here, but it still has timeless qualities. The Ink Garden tells the story of a young monk whose job it is to copy scripture. As the melodic story develops, Brother Theophane discovers how to make different colored inks and begins to “illuminate” the scriptures. Such a treasure of a book, especially if you value the history of the church (though fiction it brings to life a fascinating time).
The Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night (Dell Picture Yearling)
This one is based on the folk song of the same title. The music for it is even printed in the back of the book. It is really hard to read this one and not break out into song!
by Doris Burn
Be forewarned! This book is about a boy that runs away (along with some of his friends who do the same) because he doesn’t feel appreciated…not normally my favorite story-line! But this tale focuses more on his inventions and the houses he builds in his meadow and of course how the children come to realize how much they need their parents… Really, the illustrations are what makes this book!
My all time favorite book as a child. If you’d like to read more about this whimsical tale, check out my review of Miss Twiggley’s Tree here.
These are just a few of the picture books that we enjoy as a family. Have a favorite book? Do you think it’s a “classic in the making”? Please leave a comment and let us know what it is!
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