Desperate to get out of debt? Feeling trapped? Here’s help! Learn how to get out of debt!
If you are like most Americans, you have debt. Even if you have just a little its hard to get it to go away. The best of intentions can still lead to debt. It happens to a majority of people. But enough about that! Let’s talk about what we can do about it – let’s learn how to get out of debt.
Let’s start by saying, there is hope. You can totally get out of debt. You just need a plan. And that’s how I can help you. I can direct you to some awesome resources that will help you learn how to get out of debt. You can do it – really!
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A bit about my family… After years of school, we had tons of debt. I knew I was interested in learning more about money and getting out of debt, but I just didn’t know where or who to turn to.
Enter Dave Ramsey. So, if you are not a Ramsey fan, that’s OK, but you probably won’t want to hang out here too much. No, I don’t think the guy is perfect. But here’s the deal. He has made a lot of mistakes with money. He even went bankrupt, but he also turned his life around and went on to become an extremely successful businessman.
What’s the point? His principles for getting out of debt work in real life. They worked for him and thousands of other people. And they are working for my family. We’ve been working on the for a couple of years now and although we are not the fastest success story, we are gaining ground in our battle on debt and we are winning! I really do think anyone can benefit from learning his principals and getting out of debt.
So, what do you need to do next? Here are my helpful tips if you want to learn how to get out of debt. I hope you find inspiration to change your financial journey here!
- My number one way to learn about how to get out of debt is to listen to Dave Ramsey’s free radio program. It is three hours long. Yep, three hours. But somehow it’s not boring. It sucks you in! It’s a live call-in show where Dave Ramsey answers people’s real life money problems and offers them advice. They also videotape the whole show so you can watch it too (my favorite option). They also feature “debt-free screams” where people who have paid off all their debt come and tell about it…so cool and so inspirational. And absolutely free to listen to – that makes it pretty fantastic!
- My second favorite way to learn about money matters is to read The Total Money Makeover. Here’s a link for it if you want to check it out: The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness
. If you’re not too sure about it, go find it at your local library. Dave Ramsey is super popular. I’d be absolutely shocked if the library didn’t have it. I would heartily recommend this book as a motivational tool. It will help you see where you are going astray (in the money world) and help you begin to turn the tide.
- OK, my last idea to learn about how to get out of debt is to take a class. Dave Ramsey has designed an awesome class that tells you everything you need to do to change your financial future (including getting out of debt). But I’ll be honest, it does cost a bit (so if you don’t have much money available use my other tips to get started!). I had been thinking about taking Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University class, but didn’t want to spend the money. Finally, this Christmas, my husband and I received some money as a gift and decided that it would be worth the investment to purchase the Financial Peace University Home Study package. Yes, that was a lot of money…and yes, it would have been way more fun to get something else. But we had come to the point where we knew we needed to make a change and we were willing to sacrifice a bit of “fun” to change our future.
I hope this gives you some ideas and inspiration to change your financial situation, to finally get out of debt, and to live your life the way you were intended to!
I’d love to hear about your financial journey – please share in the comments!
The toughest part is when you don’t feel like you’re putting a dent into debt. Like you have a LONG way to go. Same is true of weight loss so I like the analogy. It’s a long haul, so being kind to yourself in the process is key.