Sharing a little glimpse into our home as we grow in love for Christ and each other…
What a week. Our lives have been full to overflowing. In a world where busyness is an epidemic, I fear we may have caught it this week. But, looking back, I wouldn’t cut anything out. Because this week was made of the stuff of Life.
Our Orthodox community came together and sang Memory Eternal to a fellow believer. He has gone before us. He shed everything of this world and entered into the very presence of God.
Then, we had the joy of celebrating two babies being baptized and brought into the church. These two, sweet innocent children have entered into this world and the struggle it contains.
These two life altering events, birth and death were brought into our lives this week. Seeing both ends of life on this earth, side by side, is very grounding. To think, everything that lies between baptism and burial, is the stuff which matters eternally.
I love that the church offers this intense reality. Christianity is not merely spiritual, our physical selves (while we are on earth) must engage in the stuff of life, the stuff of true Life. It forces us to make choices.
The Church places the reality of life in front of us and then we must choose. Who or what are we serving? What are we living for?
We all have to answer this question someday. Either we work it out now, on earth, or when eternity comes.
So, though this week was full to overflowing, I am content with it. Because this is the stuff that really matters.
This is the stuff of Life.
I hope you have had a blessed week…
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