Building Anticipation for Pascha in Kids So, I want Pascha to be the biggest, best day of the year for my kids. I want it to be more exciting and important that any other event the rest of the year. I think it’s important to direct kids’ attention to Pascha and build anticipation in them for the event of the year. But how can we build anticipation for Pascha? Well, how do you build … [Read more...]
7 Ways to Make St. Patrick’s Day Meaningful for Kids
St. Patrick's Day is coming! Are you ready to celebrate?! When we get busy, days just seem to blend together. The days that stand out are the big days: birthdays, Christmas, Pascha (Easter) etc. In our home, I've been looking for ways to make other days stand out, be remarkable and special. Specifically, days that hold historical and spiritual meaning in the Church. I want these days to be … [Read more...]
Nativity Fast – Free Eastern Orthodox Fast-Friendly Menu Plan Ideas!
Nativity Fast - Free Eastern Orthodox Fast-Friendly Menu Plan Ideas! I love how the fasts are meant to help us return to simplicity and refocus. Today I'm sharing our favorite Nativity Fast Eastern Orthodox Fast-Friendly Menu Plan Ideas. Having a plan for the whole fasting season really helps me. It frees up at least one area of our home life giving us a chance to pray more, go to church more, … [Read more...]
Why It is all My Fault
The day I realized it was all my fault, was not a "feel good" sort of day. And I'll give you a heads up - it wasn't pretty! I was so excited to get out to our garden and start planting seeds. It was going to be so great! We only had a short time to work that day, but in my mind we were going to get so much done. I'm not sure where things went wrong. But somehow, my kids weren't quite sure … [Read more...]
Free Orthodox Fast-Friendly Lenten Meal Plan
Desperate for Fast-Friendly Meal ideas? Here's menu planning help! Check out this free Eastern Orthodox Lenten meal plan. Just in time for Great Lent! March is quickly approaching, but something else is coming too...Great Lent. This season of the church will test our endurance and our faithfulness. Fasting comes at us full force - are you ready?! This year I did something I've never done; I … [Read more...]