Nativity Fast - Free Eastern Orthodox Fast-Friendly Menu Plan Ideas! I love how the fasts are meant to help us return to simplicity and refocus. Today I'm sharing our favorite Nativity Fast Eastern Orthodox Fast-Friendly Menu Plan Ideas. Having a plan for the whole fasting season really helps me. It frees up at least one area of our home life giving us a chance to pray more, go to church more, … [Read more...]
Free Orthodox Fast-Friendly Lenten Meal Plan
Desperate for Fast-Friendly Meal ideas? Here's menu planning help! Check out this free Eastern Orthodox Lenten meal plan. Just in time for Great Lent! March is quickly approaching, but something else is coming too...Great Lent. This season of the church will test our endurance and our faithfulness. Fasting comes at us full force - are you ready?! This year I did something I've never done; I … [Read more...]
Free Menu Plan Ideas- Orthodox Fast Friendly!
Update - August 2017 - Since this post was originally created as a menu plan for a specific month (which is now past), I've gone through and edited the actual menu into categories (no fast, fish day, etc.) that can be used as menu planning ideas (especially for Eastern Orthodox Christians). That way, if you are looking for inspiration, the info is still there for you, but in an easier format... … [Read more...]
Free Menu Planning help for January! Orthodox Fast Friendly
January Welcome to a new year! Here is the free menu planning help you need. Meal planning ideas perfect for January (think cozy, fillings and winter yum!) and Orthodox Fast Friendly too! This year, my focus is on making every moment count. This means lots of areas of life need to be organized, need to be efficient, and need to be more productive. **This post may contain affiliate links. If … [Read more...]
More Lenten Meal Planning April 2016 Menu Plan
Here's another Orthodox Lenten Menu Plan from my kitchen to yours! Lent has arrived! Right now, we are still in the early days of Lent. The food doesn't look too bad...yet. Or maybe it does. :) It depends how much you enjoy cheese, steaks, ug. Let's not talk about that! **This post may contain affiliate links. If you click on those links, I may earn a commission (at no extra … [Read more...]