Why we celebrate the New Year in September. Come discover the Orthodox Season of New Beginnings!
Yes, I know…it’s September. Why would we celebrate the New Year now? Read on…
I heard Dave Ramsey say once that statistically fall brings a new sense of priorities to people. They try to buckle down on finances and make positive changes – almost like a second new year. Funny that the church offers the same cycle. No matter how far we stray, there are thin remnants of old traditions that remain. Thank God.
The historical church functions on an annual cycle. Our feasts, fasting seasons, everything is planned out in this way. So in a few days we will celebrate our “New Year,” not with parties, but with prayer. We will come together to mark the beginning again of a new season. What will we celebrate? The birth of the one who gave birth to The One. We will rejoice that Mary was born into the world, because through this event we begin to see a glimmer of what is to come. Who is to come. Through her, the Redeemer of all will come. He will come for us. Our redemption draws near…
Yes, this is the real New Year’s Day! A time to reevaluate what we are doing and what our focus is. I love that the church offers us this window of time to refocus and begin again. When I am so caught up in budgeting, back to school fever, kids activities, busy, busy busy, I need this time to stop and breath. I need to look around and ask what is important.
What a beautiful opportunity we have been given. Let’s go together to church this coming week. Let us refocus and worship in purity. Let us thank God for a new season.
It is time to begin again.
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